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External Coordination

The DOE Hydrogen Program leverages the vast capabilities and experience of its stakeholders through a variety of engagement mechanisms. Stakeholder input is vital to the effectiveness of the Hydrogen Program and coordination of efforts is key to achieving national clean hydrogen goals.

Federal Interagency

Federal interagency collaboration takes place through the Hydrogen Interagency Task Force (HIT) to further advance a whole-of-government approach to executing the national clean hydrogen strategy, including development of a robust market supported by domestic supply chains and sustainable jobs.

State and Local Governments

A growing number of state and regional hydrogen initiatives unite government entities with other stakeholders to advance the development and use of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in focused regions. The Hydrogen Program coordinates with other DOE offices interacting directly with state and local governments to help ensure that activities are well integrated at the federal, state, and local levels. Coordinating with state-level activities is also essential for implementing overall strategy for real-world demonstrations, public outreach and education, and early market deployments.

Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organizations

Engagement with private-sector and non-profit stakeholders through key partnerships helps to ensure that the research, development, and demonstration efforts of government, academia, and industry are well coordinated, their diverse capabilities are well integrated, and their resources are effectively utilized.

The Hydrogen Program also benefits from continual interaction with stakeholders through its involvement with several private sector-based associations, including the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, which represents a broad range of stakeholders, including manufacturers of fuel cell components, systems, and materials; hydrogen producers and fuel distributors; universities; government laboratories; and others. Several other organizations and coalitions coordinate either formally or informally with the Hydrogen Program including the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership, the California Fuel Cell Partnership, the California Hydrogen Business Council, the California Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative, the Green Hydrogen Coalition, the Colorado Hydrogen Association, the New Jersey Hydrogen Coalition, the Massachusetts Hydrogen Coalition, the Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition, the Renewable Hydrogen Coalition, and a growing number of state-related organizations involved in hydrogen.


DOE engages in multiple international activities and partnerships to share technology lessons learned, foster collaboration, and advance mutual research, development, and demonstration areas of interest on a global scale. Examples include the Clean Energy Ministerial, the International Energy Agency, the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the EconomyMission Innovation, the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation, and various bilateral arrangements with countries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell activities.