Program Plans, Roadmaps, and Vision Documents
Find program plans, roadmaps, and strategy documents for the DOE Hydrogen Program as well as plans that describe hydrogen and fuel cell activities of the DOE program offices.
Roadmap and Strategy Documents
These roadmaps and strategy documents provide direction for the DOE Hydrogen Program.
U.S. National Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap (June 2023)
The U.S. National Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap explores opportunities for
hydrogen to contribute to national goals across multiple sectors of
the economy. It provides a snapshot of hydrogen production, transport, storage, and
use in the United States today and presents a strategic framework for achieving large-scale
production and use of hydrogen, examining scenarios for 2030, 2040, and 2050.
Hydrogen Program Plan
This program plan describes the strategy, activities, and plans of the DOE Hydrogen Program.
The Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Plan (December 2024)
The Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Plan is a foundational resource for advancing research, development, demonstration, and deployment of hydrogen technologies. With participation from multiple hydrogen-related offices, the DOE Hydrogen Program is a cohesive and coordinated Departmental effort to advance the production, transport, storage, and use of hydrogen across different sectors of the economy.
Plans and Roadmaps of the Program Offices
These documents highlight hydrogen and fuel cell research, development, and demonstration activities by participating program offices.
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-Year Program Plan
Office of Fossil Energy
Hydrogen Strategy: Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy (July 2020)
Office of Nuclear Energy
Integrated Energy Systems: 2020 Roadmap (September 2020)
Office of Science
Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Roundtable on Foundational Science for Carbon-Neutral Hydrogen Technologies (August 2021)
Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Roundtable on Liquid Solar Fuels (August 2019)
Past Program Plans and Roadmaps
Below are links to historical plans and past roadmaps and vision documents issued by DOE and its program offices.
The Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Plan (November 2020)
The Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Plan (September 2011)
Hydrogen Posture Plan (December 2006)
This 2006 plan outlines hydrogen and fuel cell activities at DOE and the U.S. Department
of Transportation with a focus on DOE's planned activities, milestones, and deliverables
that will support America's shift to a hydrogen-based transportation energy system.
Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy (February 2004)
The National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap (November 2002)
This roadmap provides a blueprint for the coordinated, long-term, public and private
efforts required for hydrogen energy development.
A National Vision of America's Transition to a Hydrogen Economy—to 2030 and Beyond (February 2002)
This document outlines a common vision of the potential role of hydrogen in our nation’s
energy economy.