2011 Annual Progress Report
VIII. Safety, Codes & Standards
This section of the 2011 Progress Report for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program focuses on safety, codes, & standards. Each technical report is available as an individual Adobe Acrobat PDF.
Safety, Codes & Standards Sub-Program Overview, Antonio Ruiz, DOE
- Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards R&D – Release Behavior, Daniel Dedrick, Sandia National Laboratories
- Risk-Informed Safety Requirements for H2 Codes and Standards Development, Daniel Dedrick, Sandia National Laboratories
- Component Standard Research and Development, Robert Burgess, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Hydrogen Materials and Components Compatibility, Daniel Dedrick, Sandia National Laboratories
- Component Testing for Industrial Trucks and Early Market Applications, Daniel Dedrick, Sandia National Laboratories
- National Codes and Standards Coordination, Carl Rivkin, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Codes and Standards Outreach for Emerging Fuel Cell Technologies, Carl Rivkin, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Leak Detection and H2 Sensor Development for Hydrogen Applications, Eric Brosha, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Fuel Quality Research and Development, Tommy Rockward, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Safety Panel, Steven Weiner, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Safety Knowledge Tools, Linda Fassbender, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Emergency Response Training for First Responders, Monte Elmore, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Safety Training for Researchers and Technical Personnel, Salvador Aceves, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Leak Detection System Development, Robert Lieberman, Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc.
- International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement Task 19 Hydrogen Safety, William Hoagland, Sandia National Laboratories
- MEMS Hydrogen Sensor for Leak Detection, Barton Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory