2013 Annual Progress Report
IX. Market Transformation
This section of the 2013 Annual Progress Report for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program focuses on market transformation.
Market Transformation Program Overview, Pete Devlin, U.S. Department of Energy
- Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Material Handling Equipment Deployment, Todd Ramsden, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Fuel Cell Combined Heat and Power Commercial Demonstration, Kriston Brooks, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Landfill Gas-to-Hydrogen, Russ Keller, Advanced Technology International
- Hydrogen Energy Systems as a Grid Management Tool, Richard Rocheleau, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
- Ground Support Equipment Demonstration, Jim Petrecky, Plug Power Inc.
- Fuel Cells as Range Extenders for Battery Electric Vehicles, Aymeric Rousseau, Argonne National Laboratory
- Hawaii Hydrogen Initiative (H2I) Financial Scenario Analysis, Michael Penev, National Renewable Energy Laboratory