2014 Annual Progress Report
IV. Hydrogen Storage
This section of the 2014 Annual Progress Report for the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program focuses on hydrogen storage.
Hydrogen Storage Sub-Program Overview, Ned Stetson, U.S. Department of Energy
A. Testing and Analysis
- System Analysis of Physical and Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage Options, Rajesh Ahluwalia, Argonne National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Storage Cost Analysis, Brian James, Strategic Analysis, Inc.
B. Engineering—Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence (HSECoE)
- Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence, Don Anton, Savannah River National Laboratory
- Systems Engineering of Chemical Hydrogen Storage, Pressure Vessel, and Balance of Plant for Onboard Hydrogen Storage, Kriston Brooks, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Advancement of Systems Designs and Key Engineering Technologies for Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage, Bart van Hassel, United Technologies Research Center
- Chemical Hydride Rate Modeling, Validation, and System Demonstration, Troy Semelsberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- System Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Media Engineering Properties for Hydrogen Energy Storage, Matthew Thornton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Thermal Management of Onboard Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage Systems, Mei Cai, General Motors Company
- Ford/BASF-SE/UM Activities in Support of the Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence, Michael Veenstra, Ford Motor Company
- Microscale Enhancement of Heat and Mass Transfer for Hydrogen Energy Storage, Kevin Drost, Oregon State University
- Development of Improved Composite Pressure Vessels for Hydrogen Storage, Norman Newhouse, Hexagon Lincoln
C. Materials—Sorption
- Hydrogen Sorbent Measurement Qualification and Characterization, Phil Parilla, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Hydrogen Storage in Metal-Organic Frameworks, Jeffrey Long, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Hydrogen Trapping Through Designer Hydrogen Spillover Molecules With Reversible Temperature and Pressure-Induced Switching, Angela Lueking, Pennsylvania State University
- Multiply Surface-Functionalized Nanoporous Carbon for Vehicular Hydrogen Storage, Peter Pfeifer, University of Missouri
D. Materials—Metal Hydrides
- Design of Novel Multi-Component Metal Hydride-Based Mixtures for Hydrogen Storage, Christopher Wolverton, Northwestern University
- Hydrogen Storage Materials for Fuel Cell-Powered Vehicles, Andrew Goudy, Delaware State University
- Neutron Characterization in Support of the DOE Hydrogen Storage Program, Terry Udovic, National Institute of Standards and Technology
E. Materials—Chemical
- Novel Carbon(C)-Boron(B)-Nitrogen(N)-Containing H2 Storage Materials, Shih-Yuan Liu, Boston College
- Aluminum Hydride: The Organo-Metallic Approach, Jim Wegrzyn, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Electrochemical Reversible Formation of Alane, Ragaiy Zidan, Savannah River National Laboratory
F. Advanced Tanks
- Melt Processable PAN Precursor for High-Strength, Low-Cost Carbon Fibers (Phase II), Bob Norris, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Development of Low-Cost, High-Strength Commercial Textile Precursor (PAN-MA), Dave Warren, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Synergistically Enhanced Materials and Design Parameters for Reducing the Cost of Hydrogen Storage Tanks, Kevin Simmons, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Thermomechanical Cycling of Thin-Liner High-Fiber-Fraction Cryogenic Pressure Vessels Rapidly Refueled by a LH2 Pump to 700 Bar, Salvador Aceves, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Load-Sharing Polymeric Liner for Hydrogen Storage Composite Tanks, Scott McWhorter, Savannah River National Laboratory