2019 Annual Merit Review Proceedings
Safety, Codes and Standards
View presentations and posters from the Safety, Codes and Standards session at the Annual Merit Review in April–May 2019.
Safety, Codes and Standards R&D Overview, Laura Hill, U.S. Department of Energy
Safety, Codes and Standards Presentations
- Fuel Quality Assurance R&D and Impurity Testing in Support of Codes and Standards, Tommy Rockward, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- R&D for Safety, Codes and Standards: Hydrogen Behavior, Ethan Hecht, Sandia National Laboratories
- Hydrogen Quantitative Risk Assessment, Alice Muna, Sandia National Laboratories
- Hydrogen Safety Panel, Safety Knowledge Tools and First Responder Training Resources, Nick Barilo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- NREL Hydrogen Sensor Testing Laboratory, William Buttner, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- H-Mat Overview: Polymers, Kevin Simmons, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Safety, Codes and Standards Posters
- National Codes and Standards Deployment and Outreach, Carl Rivkin, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- R&D for Safety, Codes and Standards: Materials and Components Compatibility, Chris San Marchi, Sandia National Laboratories
- Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Codes and Standards Support, Karen Quackenbush, Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association
To locate posters and presentations from other meeting sessions, go to the main page of the 2019 Annual Merit Review Proceedings.