2006 Annual Merit Review Proceedings
Systems Analysis
These presentations and posters from the systems analysis session at the Annual Merit Review May 16-19, 2006 are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs.
Systems Analysis Sub-Program Overview (PDF 857 KB), Fred Joseck, DOE
Systems Analysis Presentations
- Hydrogen Production Infrastructure Options Analysis (PDF 886 KB), Brian James, Directed Technologies, Inc.
- Impact of Hydrogen Production on U.S. Energy Markets (PDF 413 KB), E. Harry Vidas, EEA
- Analysis of the Hydrogen Production and Delivery Infrastructure as a Complex Adaptive System (PDF 754 KB), George Tolley, RCF Economic and Financial Consulting, Inc.
- HyDS Modeling Environment (PDF 508 KB), Keith Parks, NREL
- Macro-System Model (PDF 623 KB), Mark Ruth, NREL
- Geographically Based Hydrogen Demand & Infrastructure Analysis (PDF 1.4 MB), Margo Melendez, NREL
- Hydrogen Transition Modeling and Analysis HyTrans v. 1.5 (PDF 2.5 MB), Paul Leiby, ORNL
- Hydrogen Analysis Resource Center (HyARC) (PDF 501 KB), Marylynn Placet, PNNL
Systems Analysis Posters
- Impact of Renewables on Hydrogen Transition Analysis (PDF 501 KB), Stephen Lasher, TIAX LLC
- Hydrogen Systems Analysis: Validation of "Idealized City" Models for H2 Delivery in Urban Areas, with Real-City Data (PDF 3.1 MB), Joan Ogden, UC Davis
To locate posters and presentations from other meeting sessions, go to the main page of the 2006 Annual Merit Review Proceedings.