2011 Annual Merit Review Proceedings
Systems Analysis
These presentations and posters from the Systems Analysis session at the Annual Merit Review in May, 2011, are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs.
Overview of Systems Analysis, Fred Joseck, DOE
Systems Analysis Presentations
- Non-Automotive Fuel Cells: Market Assessment and Analysis of Impacts of Policies, David Greene, ORNL
- Hydrogen Infrastructure Market Readiness Analysis, Marc Melaina, NREL
- Infrastructure Analysis of Early Market Transition of Fuel Cell Vehicles, Brian Bush, NREL
- Analysis of the Effects of Developing New Energy Infrastructures, Dave Reichmuth, SNL
- Cost and GHG Implications of Hydrogen for Energy Storage, Darlene Steward, NREL
- Emissions Analysis of Electricity Storage with Hydrogen, Amgad Elgowainy, ANL
- NEMS-H2: Hydrogen's Role in Climate Mitigation and Oil Dependence Reduction, Marc Melaina, NREL
- GREET Model Development and Life-Cycle Analysis Applications, Michael Wang, ANL
- Macro-System Model, Mark Ruth, NREL
- Developments in the Hydrogen Demand and Resource Assessment (HyDRA) Model: Improvements in Data Interoperability, Availability, and Querying, Dan Getman, NREL
- Energy Informatics: Support for Decision Makers through Energy, Carbon and Water Analysis, A.J. Simon, LLNL
- Fuel Quality Effects on Stationary Fuel Cell Systems, Shabbir Ahmed, ANL
Systems Analysis Posters
- Rethinking U.S. Hydrogen Infrastructure Transition Scenarios: What comes next?, Marc Melaina, NREL
To locate posters and presentations from other meeting sessions, go to the main page of the 2011 Annual Merit Review Proceedings.