2013 Annual Merit Review Proceedings
Systems Analysis
View presentations and posters from the Systems Analysis session at the Annual Merit Review in May 2013.
Systems Analysis Session Introduction, Fred Joseck, U.S. Department of Energy
Systems Analysis Presentations
- Worldwide Status of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology and Prospects for Commercialization, David Greene, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Siting Strategies for Early H2 Refueling Infrastructure in California: Learning from the Gasoline Experience, Michael Nicholas, University of California Davis
- Design and Economics of an Early Hydrogen Refueling Network for California, Joan Ogden, University of California Davis
- Analysis of Optimal On-Board Storage Pressure for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles, Zhenhong Lin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Life Cycle Analysis of Hydrogen On-Board Storage Options, Amgad Elgowainy, Argonne National Laboratory
- Employment Impacts of Infrastructure Development for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies, Marianne Mintz, Argonne National Laboratory
- Pathway Analysis: Projected Cost, Well-to-Wheels Energy Use and Emissions of Current Hydrogen Technologies, Todd Ramsden, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Hydrogen from Biogas: Resource Assessment, Genevieve Saur, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Global Hydrogen Resource Analysis (Hydrogen Implementing Agreement, Task 30A), Tom Drennen, Sandia National Laboratories
- Life-Cycle Analysis of Water Use for Hydrogen Production Pathways, Amgad Elgowainy, Argonne National Laboratory
- Analysis of Fuel Cell Integration with Biofuels Production, Mark Ruth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Systems Analysis Posters
- Hawaii Hydrogen Initiative (H2I) Financial Scenario Analysis, Michael Penev, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Analysis of Community Energy, Darlene Steward, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
To locate posters and presentations from other meeting sessions, go to the main page of the 2013 Annual Merit Review Proceedings.