2015 Annual Merit Review Proceedings
Technology Validation
View presentations and posters from the Technology Validation session at the Annual Merit Review in June 2015.
Technology Validation Overview, Jason Marcinkoski, U.S. Department of Energy
Technology Validation Presentations
- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Evaluation, Jennifer Kurtz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Fuel Cell Bus Evaluations, Leslie Eudy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Hydrogen Station Data Collection and Analysis, Sam Sprik, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Hydrogen Component Validation, Danny Terlip, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Validation of an Advanced High-Pressure PEM Electrolyzer and Composite Hydrogen Storage, with Data Reporting, for SunHydro Stations, Larry Moulthrop, Proton OnSite
- Material Handling Equipment Data Collection and Analysis, Chris Ainscough, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Performance Evaluation of Delivered Hydrogen Fueling Stations, Ted Barnes, Gas Technology Institute
- Development of the Hydrogen Station Equipment Performance (HyStEP) Device, Terry Johnson, Sandia National Laboratories
- Station Operational Status System (SOSS) 3.0 Upgrade, Ben Xiong, California Fuel Cell Partnership
- Performance and Durability Testing of Volumetrically Efficient Cryogenic Vessels and High-Pressure Liquid Hydrogen Pump, Salvador Aceves, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- FCTO INTEGRATE Stack Test Bed and Grid Interoperability, Kevin Harrison, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Technology Validation Posters
- Stationary Fuel Cell Evaluation, Genevieve Saur, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- CSULA Hydrogen Refueling Facility Performance Evaluation and Optimization, David Blekhman, California State University, Los Angeles
- Dynamic Modeling and Validation of Electrolyzers in Real-Time Grid Simulation, Rob Hovsapian, Idaho National Laboratory, and Kevin Harrison, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
To locate posters and presentations from other meeting sessions, go to the main page of the 2015 Annual Merit Review Proceedings.